Register to start investing
By registering you’ll gain to access to a wealth of information about all our loans currently at auction or in the Marketplace where you can start investing right away.
FundingKnight investors are currently benefiting from:
- Three investment product types with different risk characteristics and repayment structures
- Automation tools to simplify portfolio management
You can download our historic loan book and gain information on past performance of our loans from the statistics page.
Risk Warning: Investment through the FundingKnight lending platform involves making direct loans to borrowers. You could lose all or part of your capital. Selling loan parts through our Marketplace is on a matched basis; there is no guarantee that sale offers will be purchased. Indicated returns, unless otherwise stated, are shown before any provision for bad debts and may be subject to tax. FundingKnight is not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. We advise all investors through the platform to spread their investments widely and thus avoid concentration risk.